Happy Birthday
Ahtoyy & Ifah

Ifah - 19 Jan
Atoy- 24 Jan

On 24 Jan.. i celebrate my burfday on choa chu kang swimming complex.. had a swimming on dat day.. gerek dokk.. hahha.. kena sabo lurh.. burfday bash lurh.. kecoh dokk kat sane.. HAPPENING seyh kat situ.. hahahha.. ahtoyy, rikki, ahken, mirzan, hafiz, rachel, hadi, fiza and syukri.. adrianaa came for 1hr only.. tk pe lurh.. she wanted to go for her fren party.. its okeyh.. hahha.. lepas adrianaa aleq je.. sumer muke cam sial.. then ahken n syuk send adrianaa to yew tee mrt station.. then de rest gone to lap swimming.. gort one time, i wanted to swim to de middle then came back.. suddenly my leg was cramp.. wad de hell.. i was so struggling to the adge of the lap swimming.. sial lurh.. i was nearly died.. if i died, my family will cried, if ther no me in my family there will be no jokes around wif them.. if my fren .. dun neo pulak ekh.. my gerl.. i also dun neo.. hmm.. stop talking mepek lurh ahtoyy.. but it was real.. i was nearly died.. hmm... cut short about this.. then i msg-in my gerl whether she is comin or nort.. then she reply no. then...haiss.. its okeyh.. i phm.. then my family n frens went swimming at wave side.. wow gerek lurh dok.. THE STARTING OF THE HAPPENING.. KECOH LURH WHEY.. pekik sane.. pekik sini.. hahah.. gort one time.. the lifeguard was whistling.. we said " GOALLL!" hahha.. WOW! everyone was attention at us.. hahha.. everyone at the wave side.. haha.. everyone taw.. kecoh lurh sial.. haha.. wad to do kn.. happenin during my burfday.. hahah.. then darh penat swimming.. aleq lurh.. then my family gone home.. me n my frens went to LOT ONE.. haha.. boring.. jalan2 kat sane urh.. haha.. then lepak.. then went to macdonald.. all eat.. i never eat coz no appetite n i was sick.. haiss.. then went to teck whye lrt station.. haha.. then ahken went home.. then we went to ap lurh.. i wanted to go hafiz house to take my headphone.. then i took.. i went home.. took last bus 178 to my house.. then reach home at 1am.. wad de hell.. dat all on 24 jan..

On 25 jan.. i did not went to skewl.. then i woke up at about 9+am.. then maen hp.. boring.. talk wif my nenek.. till 11.30am went out.. go see doctor.. then de doctor say sumtink.. i was really SHOCK... then i cried.. sobsob.. then i told myself.. i am strong.. i will fight for it.. kay2. then went to shop buy things.. then went foodcourt.. eat ther. i bought nasi wif 2 hotdogs and daging rendang.. haha.. boleyh tahan sedap lurh.. haha.. then at 2pm reached home.. then ter tido kat umah.. then woke at 2.50pm.. HUH! I AM LATE... then i was rush.. then took my bags.. went off to marsiling from lakeside.. jauh dokk.. reach block 30 at 3.40pm.. haiyo.. then meet my gerl then went off lurh to bus stop.. then suddenly ader her jiran .. kecoh dok.. then bus came.. we took dat bus lurh.. then reach near her bus stop. we get down.. then she went home.. i waited for her under her block.. then she came down.. we went to fetch her adeq from skewl.. but before dat she must buy for pakcik food.. she bought chicken wing wif rice.. while waiting.. we tok2 lurh while i hugging her.. haha.. kat public pon nk hug.. hahha.. then went to her pakcik.. gave hym food.. then went to her adeq school.. havent 5pm yet.. then we go sit one place.. tok2 for awhile then fetch her adeq.. then antar her home.. after send her home.. i went to ap..mit all my frens.. then waited for rikki.. then rikki go change.. after dat send lynn n adrianaa and ahken home.. then went to ap playground tok2.. rikki was msg-in someone.. rachel too.. i was fcukin boredom at ther.. hafiz tok mepek.. then he went home.. then i, rikki and rachel.. tok2.. then rachel went home.. then left rikki n me.. kite tok2.. wad de hell.. ader org minom arak kuat sak.. whiskey pulak tu.. haiyo.. then kite tukar tempat lurh .. kite pi ap mac.. tok2 till 11.05pm.. then rikki went home.. then a few minutes later my kak sedare came.. haha.. then pi prime supermarket beli brg then pi beli air.. then went home.. datz all..
ouh yarh rikki.. aku pon pikir pcl ape kite dua bbl.. feel like becoming de past.. nk pe rikki.. gerek punyer.. or ade lurh.. only me n rikki knows wad is it about.. haha.. kn rikki.. kay2.. hope ter jady ekh rikki.. hehe..
kay lurh itu aje.. kay bye!

Ahtoyy? DingDong?


Tag Replies:

atiqaah ? : haha.. atiqaah tk menyusah kn abg lurh.. ape lurh adeq nie.. hahah.. sayanq adeq..

Sash: abg bukan pp8 mati.. bukan ignoring you.. i have alott of problem lurh adeq.. haiss.. sorie kay.. you gort any prob .. juz msg me.. kay..

iraahh: sial lurh kaw.. tk baek sak.. tkpe2.. igt...

Rikki Karltuon: done relink yaw..  bio tk mati ke per.. hahah.. okeyh.. jage baek2 kay..

riri : sexy??? ape je.. haha.. i will last long yaw....

Adriana sasiao gurlaa: memang abg baeeekkk... sentiase baaaeekkk... hahah (:


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