
Showing posts from April, 2010

Kehidupan Merana

ellooo brader & sistar kuz.. ape cita sumer... baek.. haha.. kay2.. sorie if nevar update.. busy giler n lazy update.. hehe.. sorie.. Yesterday is 19 April 2010.. sape nyer monthsary tu... haha.. ME lurh of coz.. haha.. it is my 2nd Monthsary.. Wohoo.. cepat seyh.. haha.. i lurp her sooo much till i have LOVE SICK... haha... but sedih we cant go out.. you have malay dance on dat day... tk pe lurh.. next tyme kay.. rindu YOU sgt2 taw... boleh demam seyh.. haha.. datz all about yesterday.. and.. 20 April 2010...wad de best day of 2010.. makin alott of noise.. makin teacher angry.. teacher ade sampai paiseyh.. haha.. kekek seyh.. yg paling mepek.. bbl kuning seyh ngan my fren pompan.. mepek seyh dier.. dier start dulu.. kacaw2 me... then kena aleq.. haha.. BODOH! then gort alott of gerl from 1T2 walk passby our class so many times.. we will always shout at them.. haha.. kekek lurh siol.. sape2 ader kat situ mesty tawu.. haha.. tapi paling best sekali.. tyme nk buat test.. blh bisin